Bilaterale Kooperation mit der Universität Wien, Österreich: Energy Efficient Distributed Systems
This bilateral cooperation involves creating a knowledge pool of energy aware systems. The cooperation is aimed at launching several initiatives and projects related to the area of energy awareness. The role of university of Passau is looking at the energy efficiency in networked and distributed systems based on virtualization techniques. The introduction of energy-aware networking in fixed infrastructure requires a new architecture that aims at reducing energy consumption in a large distributed system. Our approach goes far beyond traditional systems for distributed virtualization like PlanetLab or Grid computing, since it relies on complete decentralization in a peer-to-peer like manner, and above all, aims at energy efficiency. Energy metrics are defined, which have to be optimized by the system. The system itself uses virtualization to transparently move tasks from one home to another in order to optimally utilize the existing computing power.
Research goals
- A model-based architecture
- Mathematical modeling of example distributed home services based on their energy usage
- P2P-based architecture for management in distributed virtualization
- Control models for energy-centered networking
Launched Projects
Related Events
Jürgen Heidegger, Director Marketing Infrastructure Products, Fujitsu Siemens Computers, München, Deutschland, Kolloquium: "Energieeffiziente Infrastrukturen für das Rechenzentrum - Ökonomie und Ökologie im sinnvollen Miteinander", 11.12.2007
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