Δρ. Μηχ. Νικόλαος Αθανάσιος Αναγνωστόπουλος

Γραφείο 116, IT-Zentrum / International House (ITZ/IH)
Πανεπιστήμιο του Πάσσαου, Innstr. 43
94032 Πάσσαου
Βαυαρία, Γερμανία
Τηλέφωνο: +49 851 509 3045 / 0851 509 3045
Ηλεκτρονικό ταχυδρομείο (E-Mail): nikolaos.anagnostopoulos@uni-passau.de
Ιστοσελίδα: https://www.anagnostopoulos.academy
Μπορείτε να βρείτε θέματα για πτυχιακές και διπλωματικές (μεταπτυχιακές) εργασίες στο https://www.anagnostopoulos.academy/public/teaching/ κάτω από τον τίτλο "Open thesis topics".
Τρέχουσες Δραστηριότητες
Εργάζομαι ως βοηθός ερευνητής στην Έδρα Μηχανικής των Ηλεκτρονικών Υπολογιστών στο Πανεπιστήμιο του Πάσσαου υπό την καθοδήγηση του Καθ. Δρ. Stefan Katzenbeisser. Πιο πριν, εργαζόμουν ως βοηθός ερευνητής στο Τεχνικό Πανεπιστήμιο του Ντάρμσταντ, όπου και ήμουν διδακτορικός φοιτητής, πάλι υπό την καθοδήγηση του Καθ. Δρ. Stefan Katzenbeisser. 'Εχω εργαστεί στα ερευνητικά προγράμματα DFG CROSSING P3, NanoSec, και PUFMem. Είμαι επίσης πρόεδρος του Γερμανικού Τμήματος της IEEE Consumer Technology Society, αντιπρόεδρος του Γερμανικού Τμήματος της IEEE Circuits and Systems Society και γραμματέας του Γερμανικού Τμήματος της IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society. Τέλος, είμαι ο νυν αντιπρόεδρος της ελληνικής πανεπιστημιακής ομάδας στο Πανεπιστήμιο του Passau.
Ερευνητικά Ενδιαφέροντα
- Ασφάλεια Υλικού
- Ασφάλεια στον τομέα της Φυσικής και των Υλικών
- Ασφάλεια στον τομέα του Διαδικτύου των Πραγμάτων
- Ενσωματωμένα Συστήματα
- Μη Κλωνοποιήσιμες Φυσικές Συναρτήσεις (Μοναδικές Φυσικές Συναρτήσεις) & Γεννήτριες Πραγματικά Τυχαίων Αριθμών
- Ασφάλεια βασισμένη στο Χάος
- Ασφάλεια στον τομέα των Επικοινωνιών μεταξύ Οχημάτων
- Οπτικά Παράπλευρα Κανάλια & Έγχυση Σφαλμάτων
- Ασαφείς Εξαγωγείς Πληροφορίας και Διόρθωση Σφαλμάτων
- Ασφάλεια Συστημάτων
- Ασφάλεια βασισμένη στα χαρακτηριστικά Αισθητήρων
- Πρωτόκολλα Ασφάλειας
- Αυθεντικοποίηση και Ασφάλεια βασισμένη σε Μηχανική Μάθηση
SoSe 24
5763UE Security Engineering Lab
5766S Masterseminar Security Engineering
6219V IoT Security
6220V Introduction to Microelectronics
WiSe 23/24
5763 Security Engineering Lab
5764UE Advanced Security Engineering Lab
5766S Masterseminar Security Engineering
5769OS Oberseminar Technische Informatik
SoSe 23
5763 Security Engineering Lab
5764 Advanced Security Engineering Lab
5766S Masterseminar Security Engineering
WiSe 22/23
5763 Security Engineering Lab
5764UE Advanced Security Engineering Lab
5766S Masterseminar Security Engineering
SoSe 22
5204UE Rechnerarchitektur
5762UE Sicheres Rechnen
5763 Security Engineering Lab
5764 Advanced Security Engineering Lab
5766S Masterseminar Security Engineering
5769OS Oberseminar Technische Informatik
WiSe 21/22
5764UE Advanced Security Engineering Lab
5766S Masterseminar Security Engineering
5769OS Oberseminar Technische Informatik
SoSe 21
5764 Advanced Security Engineering Lab
5766S Masterseminar Security Engineering
WiSe 20/21
5764 Advanced Security Engineering Lab
5766S Masterseminar Security Engineering
SoSe 20
5204UE Rechnerarchitektur
5762UE Sicheres Rechnen
5764 Advanced Security Engineering Lab
5766S Masterseminar Security Engineering
WiSe 19/20
5105UE Technische Informatik
5764 Advanced Security Engineering Lab
5767UE Hardware-basierte Sicherheit
SoSe 19
5204UE Rechnerarchitektur
Δημοσιεύσεις μετά από Κριτική Αξιολόγηση
- Συνέδρια, Ημερίδες, και Συμπόσια
- N. A. Anagnostopoulos, K. Konstantinidis, A. N. Miliou & S. G. Stavrinides, "Testing Stability and Robustness in Three Cryptographic Chaotic Systems", Proceedings of the 3rd International Interdisciplinary Chaos Symposium on Chaos and Complex Systems (CCS 2010), Journal of Concrete And Applicable Mathematics (JCAAM), vol. 9, iss. 3, pp. 247‐261, Eudoxus Press, 2011.
- W. Xiong, A. Schaller, N. A. Anagnostopoulos, M. U. Saleem, S. Gabmeyer, S. Katzenbeisser & J. Szefer, "Run-Time Accessible DRAM PUFs in Commodity Devices", Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (CHES 2016), vol. 9813 of "Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)", pp. 432-453, Springer, 2016.
- A. Schaller, W. Xiong, N. A. Anagnostopoulos, M. U. Saleem, S. Gabmeyer, S. Katzenbeisser & J. Szefer, "Intrinsic Rowhammer PUFs: Leveraging the Rowhammer Effect for Improved Security", Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST 2017), IEEE, 2017.
- N. Matyunin, N. A. Anagnostopoulos, S. Boukoros, M. Heinrich, A. Schaller, M. Kolinichenko & S. Katzenbeisser, "Tracking Private Browsing Sessions Using CPU-Based Covert Channels", Proceedings of the 11th ACM Conference on Security & Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec 2018), pp. 63-74, ACM, 2018.
- N. A. Anagnostopoulos, T. Arul, M. Rosenstihl, A. Schaller, S. Gabmeyer & S. Katzenbeisser, "Low-Temperature Data Remanence Attacks Against Intrinsic SRAM PUFs", Proceedings of the 21st Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design 2018 (DSD 2018), pp. 581-585, IEEE, 2018.
- T. Arul, N. A. Anagnostopoulos & S. Katzenbeisser, "Behavioral Workload Generation for IPTV", Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE 8th International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Berlin (ICCE-Berlin 2018), IEEE, 2018.
- N. A. Anagnostopoulos, T. Arul, Y. Fan, J. Lotichius, C. Hatzfeld, F. Fernandes, R. Sharma, F. Tehranipoor & S. Katzenbeisser, "Securing IoT Devices Using Robust DRAM PUFs", Proceedings of the 2018 Global Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium (GIIS 2018), IEEE, 2018.
- D. Steinmetzer, S. Ahmad, N. A. Anagnostopoulos, M. Hollick & S. Katzenbeisser, "Authenticating the Sector Sweep to Protect Against Beam-Stealing Attacks in IEEE 802.11ad Networks", Proceedings of the 2nd ACM Workshop on Millimeter Wave Networks and Sensing Systems (mmNets 2018), pp. 3-8, ACM, 2018.
- D. Püllen, N. A. Anagnostopoulos, T. Arul & S. Katzenbeisser, "Poster: Hierarchical Integrity Checking in Heterogeneous Vehicular Networks", Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC 2018), IEEE, 2018.
- T. Arul, N. A. Anagnostopoulos & S. Katzenbeisser, "Privacy and Usability of IPTV Recommender Systems", Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE 2019), IEEE, 2019.
- N. A. Anagnostopoulos, T. Arul, Y. Fan, M. Kumar & S. Katzenbeisser, "AR-PUFs: Advanced Security Primitives for the Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems", Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE 2019), IEEE, 2019.
- N. A. Anagnostopoulos, Y. Fan, T. Arul, R. Sarangdhar & S. Katzenbeisser, "Lightweight Security Solutions for IoT Implementations in Space", Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE Topical Workshop on Internet of Space (TWIOS 2019), IEEE, 2019.
- W. Xiong, N. A. Anagnostopoulos, A. Schaller, S. Katzenbeisser & J. Szefer, "Spying on Temperature Using DRAM", Proceedings of the 22nd Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE 2019), pp. 13-18, IEEE, 2019.
- D. Püllen, N. A. Anagnostopoulos, T. Arul & S. Katzenbeisser, "Safety and Security Co-Engineering of the FlexRay Bus in Vehicular Networks", Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Omni-Layer Intelligent Systems (COINS 2019), pp. 31-37, ACM, 2019.
- L. Negka, G. Gketsios, N. A. Anagnostopoulos, G. Spathoulas, A. Kakarountas & S. Katzenbeisser, "Employing Blockchain and Physical Unclonable Functions for Counterfeit IoT Devices Detection", Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Omni-Layer Intelligent Systems (COINS 2019), pp. 172-178, ACM, 2019.
- D. Püllen, N. A. Anagnostopoulos, T. Arul & S. Katzenbeisser, "Using Implicit Certification to Efficiently Establish Authenticated Group Keys for In-Vehicle Networks", Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC 2019), IEEE, 2019.
- D. Püllen, N. Anagnostopoulos, T. Arul & S. Katzenbeisser, "Safety Meets Security: Using IEC 62443 for a Highly Automated Road Vehicle", Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security (SAFECOMP 2020), vol. 12234 of "Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)", pp. 325-340, Springer, 2020.
- T. Arul, N. A. Anagnostopoulos, S. Reißig & S. Katzenbeisser, "A Study of the Spatial Auto-Correlation of Memory-Based Physical Unclonable Functions", Proceedings of the 2020 European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design (ECCTD 2020), IEEE, 2020.
- N. A. Anagnostopoulos, Y. Fan, M. Heinrich, N. Matyunin, D. Püllen, P. Muth, C. Hatzfeld, M. Rosenstihl, T. Arul & S. Katzenbeisser, "Low-Temperature Attacks Against Digital Electronics: A Challenge for the Security of Superconducting Modules in High-Speed Magnetic Levitation (MagLev) Trains", Proceedings of the 14th Workshop on Low-Temperature Electronics (WOLTE 2021), IEEE, 2021. [Poster]
- N. Mexis, N. A. Anagnostopoulos, S. Chen, J. Bambach, T. Arul & S. Katzenbeisser, "A Design for a Secure Network of Networks Using a Hardware and Software Co-Engineering Architecture", Proceedings of the SIGCOMM 2021 Poster and Demo Sessions (SIGCOMM 2021), pp. 65-67, ACM, 2021. [Third place winner in the undergraduate category of the ACM SIGCOMM Student Research Competition: Nico Mexis, University of Passau – “A Design for a Secure Network of Networks Using a Hardware and Software Co-Engineering Architecture”]
- F. Frank, N. A. Anagnostopoulos, S. Böttger, S. Hermann, T. Arul, S. G. Stavrinides & S. Katzenbeisser, "A Dedicated Mixed-Signal Characterisation and Testing Framework for Novel Digital Security Circuits That Use Carbon-Nanotube-Based Physical Unclonable Functions", Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST 2022), IEEE, 2022.
- R. Suragani, E. Nazarenko, N. A. Anagnostopoulos, N. Mexis & E. B. Kavun, "Identification and Classification of Corrupted PUF Responses via Machine Learning", Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST 2022), pp. 137-140, IEEE, 2022.
- F. Frank, T. Arul, N. A. Anagnostopoulos & S. Katzenbeisser, "Using Memristor Arrays as Physical Unclonable Functions", Proceedings of the 27th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS 2022), vol. 13556 of "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", pp. 250-271, Springer, 2022.
- R. Serati, B. Teymuri, N. A. Anagnostopoulos & M. Rasti, "ADR-Lite: A Low-Complexity Adaptive Data Rate Scheme for the LoRa Network", Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob 2022), pp. 296-301, IEEE, 2022.
- N. A. Anagnostopoulos, Y. Fan, M. U. Saleem, N. Mexis, E. Gelóczi, F. Klement, F. Frank, A. Schaller, T. Arul & S. Katzenbeisser, "Testing Physical Unclonable Functions Implemented on Commercial Off-the-Shelf NAND Flash Memories Using Programming Disturbances", Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE-Berlin 2022), IEEE, 2022.
- E. Hristov, R. Picos, C. de Benito, S. G. Stavrinides, T. Arul, N. A. Anagnostopoulos & M. M. Al Chawa, "Implementation of a Physically Unclonable Function using LEDs and LDRs", Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST 2023), IEEE, 2023.
- S. Böttger, F. Frank, N. A. Anagnostopoulos, A. Mohamed, M. Hartmann, T. Arul, S. Hermann & S. Katzenbeisser, "CNT-PUFs: Highly Robust Physical Unclonable Functions Based on Carbon Nanotubes", Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology (NANO 2023), pp. 59-64, IEEE, 2023. [Best conference paper award]
- N. A. Anagnostopoulos, N. Mexis, E. Gelóczi, E. B. Kavun, S. Katzenbeisser & T. Arul, "An Evaluation of the Security and the Privacy of a Novel Single Sign-On System Based on Physical Unclonable Functions", Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Berlin (ICCE-Berlin 2023), pp. 76-81, IEEE, 2024.
- S. G. Stavrinides, L. Bush-Espinosa, C. de Benito, N. A. Anagnostopoulos, T. Arul, S. Katzenbeisser, C. Tjortjis, M. M. Al Chawa & R. Picos, "Exploiting Optical Nonlinear Temporal Coupling for Implementing Physical Unclonable Functions", Proceedings of the 9th IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT 2023), IEEE, 2023.
- N. A. Anagnostopoulos, N. Mexis, Y. Fan, S. S. Bartsch, T. Schaier, S. Katzenbeisser & T. Arul, "Studying the Effects of Prolonged Thermal Stress Aiming to Induce Artificial Aging on DRAM Retention-Based Physical Unclonable Functions", Proceedings of the 42nd IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE 2024), IEEE, 2024. [Best session presentation award: Tolga Arul, University of Passau – “Studying the Effects of Prolonged Thermal Stress Aiming to Induce Artificial Aging on DRAM Retention-Based Physical Unclonable Functions”]
- N. A. Anagnostopoulos, N. Mexis, S. Böttger, M. Hartmann, A. Mohamed, S. Hermann, S. Katzenbeisser, S. G. Stavrinides & T. Arul, "A Method to Construct Efficient Carbon-Nanotube-Based Physical Unclonable Functions and True Random Number Generators", Proceedings of the 26th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD 2023), pp. 61-69, IEEE, 2024.
- N. Mexis, T. Arul, N. A. Anagnostopoulos, F. Frank, S. Böttger, M. Hartmann, S. Hermann, E. B. Kavun & S. Katzenbeisser, "Spatial Correlation in Weak Physical Unclonable Functions: A Comprehensive Overview", Proceedings of the 26th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD 2023), pp. 70-78, IEEE, 2024.
- N. Mexis, S. Chen, S. Katzenbeisser, T. Arul & N. A. Anagnostopoulos, "Tailored Raspberry Pi 3B+ Software for the Implementation of Hardware Security Primitives Based on Commercial Off-the-Shelf Devices", Proceedings of the 2024 Zooming Innovation in Consumer Technologies Conference (ZINC 2024), pp. 90-95, IEEE, 2024.
- N. A. Anagnostopoulos, A. E. George, N. Mexis, T. Arul, S. Katzenbeisser, R. Picos & S. G. Stavrinides, "The Synchronisation is the Message: Real-World Encrypted Communication Based on Synchronised Chaotic Circuits Without Using a Dedicated Synchronisation Line", Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST 2024), IEEE, 2024.
- A. E. George, E. Gelóczi, N. Mexis, T. Arul, S. Katzenbeisser, S. G. Stavrinides, R. Picos & N. A. Anagnostopoulos, "Real-World Secure Communication based on Synchronised Lorenz Chaotic Circuits", Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST 2024), IEEE, 2024.
- Περιοδικά
- N. A. Anagnostopoulos, S. Katzenbeisser, J. Chandy & F. Tehranipoor, "An Overview of DRAM-Based Security Primitives", Cryptography, vol. 2, iss. 2, MDPI, 2018.
- A. Schaller, W. Xiong, N. A. Anagnostopoulos, M. U. Saleem, S. Gabmeyer, B. Škorić, S. Katzenbeisser & J. Szefer, "Decay-Based DRAM PUFs in Commodity Devices", IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), vol. 16, iss. 3, pp. 462- 475, IEEE, 2018.
- N. A. Anagnostopoulos, T. Arul, Y. Fan, C. Hatzfeld, A. Schaller, W. Xiong, M. Jain, M. U. Saleem, J. Lotichius, S. Gabmeyer, J. Szefer & S. Katzenbeisser, "Intrinsic Run-Time Row Hammer PUFs: Leveraging the Row Hammer Effect for Run-Time Cryptography and Improved Security", Cryptography, vol.2, iss. 3, MDPI, 2018.
- N. A. Anagnostopoulos, T. Arul, M. Rosenstihl, A. Schaller, S. Gabmeyer & S. Katzenbeisser, "Attacking SRAM PUFs Using Very-Low-Temperature Data Remanence", Microprocessors and Microsystems, vol. 71, art. 102864, Elsevier, 2019.
- D. Püllen, N. A. Anagnostopoulos, T. Arul & S. Katzenbeisser, "Securing FlexRay-Based In-Vehicle Networks", Microprocessors and Microsystems, vol. 77, art. 103144, Elsevier, 2020.
- M. Yue, N. Karimian, W. Yan, N. A. Anagnostopoulos & F. Tehranipoor, "DRAM-based Authentication using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks", IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, vol. 10, iss.4, pp.8-17, IEEE, 2020.
- N. A. Anagnostopoulos, S. Ahmad, T. Arul, D. Steinmetzer, M. Hollick & S. Katzenbeisser, "Low-Cost Security for Next-Generation IoT Networks", ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (ToIT), vol. 20, iss. 3, art. 30, ACM, 2020.
- W. Xiong, A. Schaller, N. A. Anagnostopoulos, M. U. Saleem, S. Gabmeyer, S. Katzenbeisser & J. Szefer, "DRAM PUFs in Commodity Devices", IEEE Design & Test, vol. 38, iss. 3, pp. 76-83, IEEE, 2021.
- N. Mexis, N. A. Anagnostopoulos, S. Chen, J. Bambach, T. Arul & S. Katzenbeisser, "A Lightweight Architecture for Hardware-Based Security in the Emerging Era of Systems of Systems", ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems (JETC), vol. 17, iss. 3, art. 43, ACM, 2021.
- B. Teymuri, R. Serati, N. A. Anagnostopoulos & M. Rasti, "LP-MAB: Improving the Energy Efficiency of LoRaWAN Using a Reinforcement-Learning-Based Adaptive Configuration Algorithm", Sensors, vol. 23, iss. 4, MDPI, 2023.
- F. Frank, W. Xiong, N. A. Anagnostopoulos, A. Schaller, T. Arul, F. Koushanfar, S. Katzenbeisser, U. Rührmair & J. Szefer, "Abusing Commodity DRAMs in IoT Devices to Remotely Spy on Temperature", IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS), vol. 18, pp. 2991-3005, IEEE, 2023.
- F. Frank, S. Böttger, N. Mexis, N. A. Anagnostopoulos, A. Mohamed, M. Hartmann, H. Kuhn, C. Helke, T. Arul, S. Katzenbeisser, S. Hermann, "CNT-PUFs: Highly Robust and Heat-Tolerant Carbon-Nanotube-Based Physical Unclonable Functions", Nanomaterials, vol. 13, iss.22, MDPI, 2023.
- Διατριβές
- Ν. Α. Αναγνωστόπουλος, "Ευστάθεια και Ευρωστία Τριών Μη Γραμμικών Κρυπτογραφικών Συστημάτων Υπό Συνθήκες Εξωτερικού Θορύβου – Stability and Robustness of Three Non-Linear Cryptographic Systems Under External Noise Conditions", Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης – Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 2010. (B.Sc. thesis) [pdf]
- N. A. Anagnostopoulos, "Optical Fault Injection Attacks in Smart Card Chips and an Evaluation of Countermeasures Against Them", University of Twente, 2014. (M.Sc. Thesis) [pdf]
- N. A. Anagnostopoulos, "Practical Lightweight Security: Physical Unclonable Functions and the Internet of Things", Technical University of Darmstadt, 2022. (Doctoral Dissertation) [pdf] [@ThesisCommons][Greek national repository for doctoral dissertations]
Δημοσιεύσεις άνευ Κριτικής Αξιολόγησης
- Ηλεκτρονικές Προδημοσιεύσεις (E-Prints)
- N. A. Anagnostopoulos, S. Katzenbeisser, M. Rosenstihl, A. Schaller, S. Gabmeyer & T. Arul, "Low-Temperature Data Remanence Attacks Against Intrinsic SRAM PUFs", Cryptology ePrint Archive: Report 2016/769, 2016.
- W. Xiong, A. Schaller, N. A. Anagnostopoulos, M. U. Saleem, S. Gabmeyer, S. Katzenbeisser & J. Szefer, "Run-Time Accessible DRAM PUFs in Commodity Devices", Cryptology ePrint Archive: Report 2016/253, 2016.
- N. A. Anagnostopoulos, T. Arul, Y. Fan, C. Hatzfeld, A. Schaller, W. Xiong, M. Jain, M. U. Saleem, J. Lotichius, S. Gabmeyer, J. Szefer & S. Katzenbeisser, "Intrinsic Run-Time Row Hammer PUFs: Leveraging the Row Hammer Effect for Run-Time Cryptography and Improved Security", Preprints, 2018.
- A. Schaller, W. Xiong, N. A. Anagnostopoulos, M. U. Saleem, S. Gabmeyer, S. Katzenbeisser & J. Szefer, "Intrinsic Rowhammer PUFs: Leveraging the Rowhammer Effect for Improved Security", arXiv e-prints: 1902.04444 [cs.CR], 2019.
- N. Karimian, F. Tehranipoor, N. Anagnostopoulos & W. Yan, "DRAMNet: Authentication based on Physical Unique Features of DRAM Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks", arXiv e-prints: 1902.09094 [cs.CR], 2019.
- N. A. Anagnostopoulos, "The Role of Cost in the Integration of Security Features in Integrated Circuits for Smart Cards", arXiv e-prints: 2101.10293 [q-fin.RM], 2021.
- N. A. Anagnostopoulos, "Exploring the Complicated Relationship Between Patents and Standards, With a Particular Focus on the Telecommunications Sector", arXiv e-prints: 2101.10548 [econ.GN], 2021.
- N. A. Anagnostopoulos, "Ear Recognition", arXiv e-prints: 2101.10540 [cs.CV], 2021.
- N. A. Anagnostopoulos, Y. Fan, M. U. Saleem, N. Mexis, F. Frank, T. Arul & S. Katzenbeisser, "On the Sustainability of Lightweight Cryptography Based on PUFs Implemented on NAND Flash Memories Using Programming Disturbances", arXiv e-prints: 2204.02498 [cs.CR], 2022.
N. A. Anagnostopoulos, Y. Fan, M. U. Saleem, N. Mexis, F. Frank, T. Arul & S. Katzenbeisser, "On the Sustainability of Lightweight Cryptography Based on PUFs Implemented on NAND Flash Memories Using Programming Disturbances", TechRxiv preprint server, 2022. - F. Frank, W. Xiong, N. A. Anagnostopoulos, A. Schaller, T. Arul, F. Koushanfar, S. Katzenbeisser, U. Rührmair & S. Szefer, "Abusing Commodity DRAMs in IoT Devices to Remotely Spy on Temperature", arXiv e-prints: 2208.02125 [cs.CR], 2022.
- E. Nazarenko, N. A. Anagnostopoulos, S. G. Stavrinides, N. Mexis, F. Frank, T. Arul & S. Katzenbeisser, "Real-World Chaos-Based Cryptography Using Synchronised Chua Chaotic Circuits", TechRxiv preprint server, 2022.
E. Nazarenko, N. A. Anagnostopoulos, S. G. Stavrinides, N. Mexis, F. Frank, T. Arul & S. Katzenbeisser, "Real-World Chaos-Based Cryptography Using Synchronised Chua Chaotic Circuits", arXiv e-prints: 2210.11299 [cs.CR], 2022. - N. A. Anagnostopoulos, A. Braml, N. Mexis, F. Frank, S. Böttger, M. Hartmann, S. Hermann, E. B. Kavun, S. Katzenbeisser & T. Arul, "Practical Non-Invasive Probing Attacks Against Novel Carbon-Nanotube-Based Physical Unclonable Functions", arXiv e-prints: 2307.01041 [cs.CR], 2023.
- S. Böttger, F. Frank, N. A. Anagnostopoulos, N. Mexis, A. Mohamed, M. Hartmann, T. Arul, S. Hermann & S. Katzenbeisser, "CNT-PUFs: Highly Robust and Heat-Tolerant Carbon-Nanotube-Based Physical Unclonable Functions for Stable Key Generation", TechRxiv preprint server, 2023.
- N. A. Anagnostopoulos, N. Mexis, E. B. Kavun, S. Katzenbeisser & T. Arul, "Neuromorphic and In-Memory Computing Based on Memristive Circuits for Predictive Maintenance and Supply-Chain Security", TechRxiv preprint server, 2023.
- Συνέδρια, Ημερίδες, και Συμπόσια
- N. A. Anagnostopoulos, A. Schaller, Y. Fan, W. Xiong, F. Tehranipoor, T. Arul, S. Gabmeyer, J. Szefer, J. A. Chandy & S. Katzenbeisser, "Insights Into the Potential Usage of the Initial Values of DRAM Arrays of Commercial Off-the-Shelf Devices for Security Applications", 26th Crypto-Day, 1-2 June 2017, Nürnberg, Germany. [DOI (presentation slides):10.13140/RG.2.2.21396.50569][DOI (manuscript):10.13140/RG.2.2.27089.63849]
- R. Sarangdhar, Y. Fan, N. A. Anagnostopoulos, U. Gayer, F. Flederer, T. Mikschl, T. Arul, P. R. John, K. Hierholz, S. Montenegro & S. Katzenbeisser, "An Investigation of the Effects of Radiation on Current Key Storage Solutions and on Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) Being Used as Key Storage", 27th Crypto-Day, 7-8 December 2017, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany. [DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.33800.52483]
- N. A. Anagnostopoulos, S. Gabmeyer, T. Arul & S. Katzenbeisser, "An Extensive Classification and Analysis of Attacks Against Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs)", 27th Crypto-Day, 7-8 December 2017, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany. [DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.25411.91689]
- N. A. Anagnostopoulos, T. Arul, Y. Fan, C. Hatzfeld, F. Tehranipoor & S. Katzenbeisser, "Addressing the Effects of Temperature Variations on Intrinsic Memory-Based Physical Unclonable Functions", 28th Crypto-Day, 7-8 June 2018, Kirchheim bei München, Germany. [In: Loebenberger, D. & Nüsken, M. (Editors), crypto day matters 28. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. / FG KRYPTO.]
- M. Kumar, N. A. Anagnostopoulos, Y. Fan & S. Katzenbeisser, "Advanced Reconfigurable Physical Unclonable Functions (AR-PUFs) and Their Security Applications", 28th Crypto-Day, 7-8 June 2018, Kirchheim bei München, Germany. [In: Loebenberger, D. & Nüsken, M. (Editors), crypto day matters 28. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. / FG KRYPTO.]
- N. A. Anagnostopoulos, T. Arul, Y. Fan, R. Sarangdhar, R. Sharma, M. Rosenstihl, C. Hatzfeld, F. Tehranipoor & S. Katzenbeisser, "On the Effects of Environmental Factors on the Functionality of Modern Dynamic Random Access Memory Modules", 7th International Conference "Micro&Nano" 2018, 5-7 November 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Not included in the proceedings.
- W. Xiong, A. Schaller, N. A. Anagnostopoulos, M. U. Saleem, S. Gabmeyer, S. Katzenbeisser & J. Szefer, Top Pick Candidate Paper: "Run-Time Accessible DRAM PUFs in Commodity Devices" [presented in the 18th International Conference on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (CHES 2016)], 2019 Workshop on Top Picks in Hardware and Embedded Security, 7 November 2019, Westminster, Colorado, United States of America.
- Proceedings not published.
- D. Püllen, N. A. Anagnostopoulos, T. Arul & S. Katzenbeisser, "ISA-62443 in the Automotive Context: Threat Identification and Mitigation for a Novel Vehicular Architecture", 9. Tagung Automatisiertes Fahren, 21-22 November 2019, München, Germany. [Program]
- Proceedings not published.
- N. Mexis, N. A. Anagnostopoulos, T. Arul, F. Frank & S. Katzenbeisser, "Fuzzy Extractors using Low-Density Parity-Check Codes", 33rd Crypto-Day, 17 September 2021, online. [In: Gazdag, S.-L., Tiepelt, M., Loebenberger, D. & Nüsken, M. (Editors), crypto day matters 33. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. / FG KRYPTO.]
- S. Böttger, F. Frank, N. A. Anagnostopoulos, T. Arul, S. Katzenbeisser & S. Hermann, "Development of Nanomaterial-Based Physically Unclonable Functions and Dedicated Measurement and Testing Devices", Fall School on Nano-Electronics for Secure Systems (NESSY), 10-11 November 2021, Lübeck, Germany.
- Proceedings not published.
- N. A. Anagnostopoulos, Y. Fan, M. U. Saleem, N. Mexis, F. Frank, T. Arul & S. Katzenbeisser, "On the Sustainability of Lightweight Cryptography Based on Flash PUFs", Workshop on "Sustainability in Security & Security for Sustainability" (co-located with the 25th Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE 2022) as Workshop 09), 18 March 2022, online.
- E. Gelóczi, N. Mexis, N. A. Anagnostopoulos, F. Frank, T. Arul, S. G. Stavrinides & S. Katzenbeisser, "Secure Communication via Chaotic Cryptography", 34th Crypto-Day, 9-10 June 2022, Weiden in der Oberpfalz, Germany. [In: Loebenberger, D. & Nüsken, M. (Editors), crypto day matters 34. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. / FG KRYPTO.]
- E. Nazarenko, N. A. Anagnostopoulos, S. G. Stavrinides F. Frank, T. Arul & S. Katzenbeisser, "Real-World Chaos-Based Cryptography Using Synchronised Chua Chaotic Circuits", 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST 2022), 27-30 June 2022, Washington, DC, USA.
- E. Gelóczi, N. A. Anagnostopoulos, N. Mexis, Y. Fan, M. U. Saleem, A. Schaller, F. Klement, F. Frank, T. Arul & S. Katzenbeisser, "Testing the Robustness of Physical Unclonable Functions Implemented on Commercial Off-the-Shelf NAND Flash Memories Using Programming Disturbances to Temperature and Voltage Variations" [presented in the 2022 IEEE 12th International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Berlin (ICCE-Berlin 2022)], 11th International Workshop on Cryptography, Robustness, and Provably Secure Schemes for Female Young Researchers (CrossFyre 2022), 6-7 October 2022, Passau, Germany.
- Proceedings not published.
- S. Böttger, F. Frank, N. A. Anagnostopoulos, A. Mohamed, M. Hartmann, T. Arul, S. Hermann & S. Katzenbeisser, "CNT-PUFs: Highly Robust Physical Unclonable Functions Based on Carbon Nanotubes", Poster for the Project "NANOSEC: Tamper-Evident PUFs based on Nanostructures for Secure and Robust Hardware Security Primitives" of the DFG Priority Program 2253: "Nano-Security: From Nano-Electronics to Secure Systems", Workshop on "Nano-Security: From Nano-Electronics to Secure Systems" (co-located with the 26th Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE 2023) as Workshop 03), 18 April 2023, Antwerp, Belgium.
- Proceedings not published.
- N. A. Anagnostopoulos, T. Arul, S. Böttger, F. Frank, A. Mohamed, M. Hartmann, S. Hermann & S. Katzenbeisser, "Carbon-Nanotube-Based Physical Unclonable Functions and True Random Number Generators", Workshop on "Nano-Security: From Nano-Electronics to Secure Systems" (co-located with the 26th Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE 2023) as Workshop 03), 18 April 2023, Antwerp, Belgium.
- Proceedings not published.
- Ν. Mexis, Ν. Α. Anagnostopoulos, Τ. Arul, Ε. Β. Kavun & S. Katzenbeisser, "An Improved Machine-Learning Model for the Identification and Classification of Memory-Based PUF Responses", 35th Crypto-Day, 25-26 May 2023, Regensburg, Germany. [In: Loebenberger, D. & Nüsken, M. (Editors), crypto day matters 35. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. / FG KRYPTO.]
- N. A. Anagnostopoulos, N. Mexis, S. Katzenbeisser, E. B. Kavun & T. Arul, "Neuromorphic and In-Memory Computing Based on Memristive Circuits for Predictive Maintenance and Supply-Chain Management and Security", Workshop on "Nano-Security: From Nano-Electronics to Secure Systems" (co-located with the 27th Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE 2024) as Workshop 03), 25 March 2024, Valencia, Spain.
- Proceedings not published.
- N. Mexis, N. A. Anagnostopoulos, S. Katzenbeisser & T. Arul, "An Analysis of the Effects of Temperature on the Performance of ReRAM-Based TRNGs", Workshop on "Nano-Security: From Nano-Electronics to Secure Systems" (co-located with the 27th Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE 2024) as Workshop 03), 25 March 2024, Valencia, Spain.
- Proceedings not published.
- A. Tekles, T. Arul, N. Mexis, S. Katzenbeisser & N. A. Anagnostopoulos, "Memristors in the Context of Security and AI", Workshop on "Nano-Security: From Nano-Electronics to Secure Systems" (co-located with the 27th Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE 2024) as Workshop 03), 25 March 2024, Valencia, Spain.
- Proceedings not published.
- Ν. Mexis, Ν. Α. Anagnostopoulos, Τ. Arul & S. Katzenbeisser, Stefan, "An Analysis of the Effects of Temperature on the Performance of ReRAM-Based TRNGs", 36th Crypto-Day, 14-15 March 2024, Karlsruhe, Germany. [In: Loebenberger, D. & Nüsken, M. (Editors), crypto day matters 36. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. / FG KRYPTO.]
- Συλλογές Δεδομένων
- W. Xiong, A. Schaller, N. A. Anagnostopoulos, M. U. Saleem, S. Gabmeyer, S. Katzenbeisser & J. Szefer, "DRAM Decay PUF & DRAM Rowhammer PUF", Trust-Hub, 2018.
- T. Arul, N. Mexis, N. A. Anagnostopoulos, "NIST test results for the paper "Towards a Practical Runtime-Accessible True Random Number Generator Based on Commercial Off-The-Shelf Resistive Random Access Memory Modules"", IEEE Dataport, 2024.
- Εγκυκλοπαιδικά Λήμματα