MOIMA Symposium on Mathematical Optics, Image Modelling and Algorithms
June 20 - 23 2016 at Schloss Herrenhausen, Hanover, Germany
Kindly funded by theVolkswagenStiftung.
This symposium is to bring together leading researchers from different facets of mathematics, optics and image processing to present their latest cutting-edge research and to establish new directions for future investigations and cooperation. The symposium should get a focus on imaging, signal processing, and corresponding mathematical approaches. It will therefore cover topics such as:
- harmonic analysis for imaging and image processing,
- (fractional) operators and transforms,
- computational and adaptive optics,
- compressed sensing,
- coherent imaging techniques,
- phase retrieval methods.
The conference is fun - see by yourself
Photos: Brigitte Forster
MOIMA Impressions
Mathematical analysis and optical imaging represent both classical scientific disciplines with a long standing tradition. Functional and harmonic analysis, analytic functions and complex representation, integro-differential equations and integral transforms, but also stochastic techniques like correlation and higher order statistics are terms causing an imagination to have their deep roots in the history of mathematics. Names including Hilbert, Fourier, Paley and Wiener, Boas, Gabor, Riesz – as a small, incomplete selection – stand as examples for the pioneering scientists there.
A similar impression might arise in optics: Techniques like conventional microscopy and holography, lens-based imaging, diffractive and refractive optics matured over almost centuries. Well-known scientists and engineers as e.g., Fraunhofer, Zeiss, Schott, Abbe, Zernike and again Gabor should be named.
In todays research, the entanglement of mathematics and optics manifests itself more and more as a substantial condition for realizing novel imaging concepts. The interaction of the disciplines mathematics, physics/optics and computer sciences proves to be essential for the progress in phase-space modeling, in computational and adaptive optics, and for achieving an increased performance in image reconstructions, – many of those are problems that a short time ago seemed impossible to solve. A good part the success is based on sophisticated optical configurations and schemes as well as a strong mathematical fundament in analysis, optimization and stochastics.
The aims of our conference are to enhance the exchange and discussion between the disciplines of mathematics, physics and engineering, and to improve the understanding of the slightly different terminology and habits each discipline has. We aim at planting the seed for a deeper and beneficial multidisciplinarity of research for the development of new concepts and fruitful cooperation.