Christoph Heinzl received his PhD degree in computer science from TU Wien in the field of visualization and analysis of industrial XCT data. He was awarded the habilitation (venia docendi) from TU Wien in Computer Science in 2022. Aside being professor of cognitive sensor systems at University of Passau, he is leading the research group for knowledge-based image processing and visualization at the Fraunhofer IIS Development center X-ray technology. His research covers visual analysis and visualization of "rich" XCT data, a research domain, in which he published >100 papers, >36 of them peer-reviewed, four book chapters and a patent. He acquired various applied and basic research grants on national and European level (xCTing, X-Pro, AugmeNDT, COMPARE, BeyondInspection, NanoXCT, QUICOM, InteraQCT, ADAM, SmartCT, SimCT, etc.). His research interests are focused but not limited to the following areas:
- Scientific visualization
- Industrial X-ray computed tomography
- Visual analytics
- Visual parameter space analysis
- Visual analysis of ensemble data
- Comparative visualization
- Uncertainty visualization
- Immersive analytics
- Virtual and augmented reality in visualization
- Machine learning