Mathematical Modeling of Self-Organizing Systems
EU-Project (NoE, FP6 Call4 (IST 028022))
The main goal of our initiative is to provide a general modeling and model evaluation methodology that is capable of specifying and evaluating self-organizing systems for a wide area of applications, without losing practical computer and communication system related topics as our main interest. This includes the following intermediate steps:
Research Goals
- Surveying the characteristics of self-organized systems.
- Identifying the characteristics of self-organized systems that make their formal description non-trivial.
- Surveying existing approaches used for modeling of systems that are complex and/or exhibit self-organized behavior.
- Checking improvability/extendibility of existing modeling methodologies towards their capability of describing self-organizing systems.
- Complementary, developing novel and generic methodologies for the modeling of complex, emergent, and self-organizing systems.
- Surveying existing approaches used for the evaluation of complex, large, and self-organizing system models.
- Improving existing and/or developing novel evaluation techniques and tools for self-organizing system models.
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