Modeling, Specification and Evaluation Language
Tool Description
MOSEL-2 is a textual model description language for the performance and reliability modeling of computer, communication, and manufacturing systems. The modeling language is accompanied by an evaluation environment. Once a system has been specified using MOSEL-2, the evaluation environment executes the performance and reliability analysis of the model automatically. Results are collected either in a text file or can be displayed graphically with the utility IGL, which is distributed with MOSEL-2.
Further Information
MOSEL-2 is developed in joint with the Ana Group of the Dept. of Computer Science 4 (Distributed Systems and Operating Systems) at the Faculty of Engineering Sciences, FAU Erlangen/Nürnberg, Germany.
The development of MOSEL-2 and MOSEL-2-based models is/was partly supported by the following projects (alphabetical order):
- AutoI
- EuroFGI
- EuroNF
- EuroNGI
- New Trends in Network Architectures and Services, Mathematical Modeling
- ResumeNet
Further information about MOSEL-2 can be found on the former official homepage. MOSEL-2 is open-source and distributed under the GNU Public License (GPL).
The following publications are about MOSEL-2, its predecessor MOSEL, or use one of both for modeling and evaluation.
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