P2P (Peer to Peer) Opt Performance Measurement and Management for Two-Level Optimization of Networks and Peer-to-Peer Applications
Funded by EPSRC, supported by UKERNA, P2POpt is focused on the measurement of network traffic patterns indicative of the onset of peer-to-peer application activity, the use of active measurement techniques to detect such onset in real time, the exploitation of these indications to re-engineer network traffic, and the symbiotic optimization of overlay network structure in parallel with such traffic re-engineering.
The overall research goals for the project are:
- Correlate application-level and network-level traffic to detect network-level signatures that indicate onset of p2pactivity.
- Use programmable network elements to implement always-on, active measurements of the network-level trafficto detect these patterns in real-time and trigger appropriate traffic engineering to ensure acceptable performance levels in the network.
- Analyze the effect of the overlay network structure on the measured network-level traffic to drive optimizationof the overlay network structure.
- Understand how to synergistically optimize programmable network and application level structures simultaneously.
Principle Investigator
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Diploma Theses
- A. Busler. Evaluation and Optimization of an algorithm for topology Awareness in Structured P2P-Systems under the Realistic Conditions of the PlanetLab Environment, University of Passau, Germany, October 2007
- S. Heglmeier. Evaluation fo Possibilities for DHT-Routing Without Geographical Knowledge in MANets and Implementation or Selected Concepts, University of Passau, 2007
- D. Hanisch. Examination of Optimization-Potentials in Hybrid P2P File Sharing Systems through AVP-based Crawling, University of Passau, Germany, 2006
- M. Unger. Cooperation in P2P Barter Trade Networks, University of Passau, 2006
- S. Zauner. Development of an Algorithm for Topology Awareness in Structured P2P-Systems, targeting efficient reverse path-caching, University of Passau, 2006