Yijia Chen, Jiaotong University of Shanghai, 02.02 - 09.02.24
- Talk research seminar: Maximum Cliques, Sidon Sets, and Hardness of Approximation
Jan Pich, Uni Oxford, 15.12 - 20.12.24
- Talk research seminar: Efficient adversaries
Isolde Adler, Uni Bamberg, 18.11-19.11.24
Talk research seminar: Logic and property testing on bounded degree graphs
Yijia Chen, Jiaotong University of Shanghai, 30.06 - 14.07.24
- Talk research seminar: From a logic for P to a p-optimal proof system for TAUT via a halting problem.
Mykyta Narusevych, Charles University Prague, 13.05 - 18.05.24
- Talk research seminar: Towards new methods for unprovability results in bounded arithmetic: analysis of games
Ondreij Jezil, Charles University Prague, 13.05 - 18.05.24
- Talk research seminar: Primes, feasible computation and reasoning
Manuel Bodirsky, TU Dresden, 06.05 - 09.05.24
- Talk Kolloqium: A Complexity Dichotomy in Spatial Reasoning via Ramsey Theory
Albert Atserias, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 29.01 - 03.02.24
- Talk Kolloqium: Consistency, Acyclicity, and Positive Semirings.
Anton Freund, Universität Würzburg, 22.01 - 23.01.24
- Talk research seminar: On Finite and Slow Consistency
Yijia Chen, Jiaotong University of Shanghai, 14.01 - 21.01.24
- Talk research seminar: Forbidden Induced Subgraphs and the Los Tarski Theorem
Jan Pich, University of Oxford, 18.12 - 22.12.23
- Talk research seminar: Localizability of the approximation method
Eitetsu Ken, University of Tokyo, 29.10 - 03.11.23
- Talk research seminar: A brief introduction to bounded arithmetics -Ajtai’s theorem and beyond
Joost Joosten, Universitat de Barcelona, 30.05 - 02.06.23
- Talk at the Workshop on Algorithmic Law: On language for algorithmic law
10.24 Colloquium Logicum, Wien
- Keynote Talk: On the Consistency of Circuit Lower Bounds for Non-Deterministic Time
09.24 Azza Gaysin organizes JAF in Passau
- Talk: On the parameterized complexity of Delta0 Truth
09.24 Workshop Proof Complexity, Uni Oxford
- Talk: Forcing in bounded arithmetic
06.24 Research visit 24.6-29.6, Neil Thapen, Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague
- Talk in the Prague Logic Seminar: Simple general magnification
04.24 MFO workshop Proof Complexity and Beyond - online participation
03.24 Algorithmic Model theory, TU Ilmenau
- Talk: On the parameterized complexity of Delta0 Truth
03.24 Research visit, Ilario Bonacina, 19.03 - 10.04.24, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
11.23 MFO workshop Mathematical Logic: Proof Theory, Constructive Mathematics
- Talk On the consistency of circuit lower bounds for nondeterministic time
09.23 Online Complexity Seminar
- Talk On the Consistency of Circuit Lower Bounds for Non-Deterministic Time
09.23 JAF 42ème Journées sur les Arithmétiques Faibles - Azza Gaysin participates
06.23 Organization Workshop on Algorithmic Law Universität Passau
- Talk Model-checking as an approach to algorithmic law
05.23 Inaugural lecture P versus NP and mathematical logic, Universität Passau
04.23 Girls Day 2023 (seminar on paradoxes), Universität Passau
03.23 Research visit, Ilario Bonacina, 20.03.23-10.04.23, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
03.23 Simons workshop Proof complexity and Meta-Mathematics, Simons Institute, Berkely University of California - online participation
03.23 Algorithmische Modelltheorie, Ruhr Universität Bochum
- Talk On the concistency of circuit lower bounds for non-deterministic time.
11.22 Prague Logic Seminar, Institute of Mathematics, Czech Academy of Sciences
- Talk online: On the parameterized complexity of Delta0 truth
06.22 Logic Colloquium, European Summer Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic, Reykjavik
- Plenary talk online: Automating Resolution is NP-hard