Journal Articles
- Side-Constrained Dynamic Traffic Equilibria
(Lukas Graf and Tobias Harks)
Operations Research, to appear
Preliminary version: In Proc. of the 24th EC 2023
- Generalized Nash Equilibrium Problems with Mixed-Integer Variables
(Tobias Harks and Julian Schwarz)
Mathematical Programming, to appear
Preliminary version: In Proc. of the 17th WINE 2021
- Stackelberg Pricing Games with Congestion Effects
(Tobias Harks and Anja Schedel)
Mathematical Programming, 203, pp. 763-799, (2024)
Preliminary version: Proc. of the 15th WINE 2019
- Prediction Equilibrium for Dynamic Traffic Assignment
(Lukas Graf, Tobias Harks, Kostas Kollias and Michael Markl)
Journal of Machine Learning Research, 24 (310), pp. 1-33 (2023)
Preliminary version: Proc. of the 36th AAAI 2022
- The Price of Anarchy for Instantaneous Dynamic Equilibria
(Lukas Graf and Tobias Harks)
Mathematics of Operations Research, 48 (4), pp. 1811-2382 (2023)
Preliminary version: Proc. of the 16th WINE 2020
- A Unified Framework for Pricing in Nonconvex Resource Allocation Games
(Tobias Harks and Julian Schwarz)
SIAM Journal on Optimization, 33 (2), pp.1223-1249 (2023)
- A Finite Time Combinatorial Algorithm for Instantaneous Dynamic Equilibrium Flows
(Lukas Graf and Tobias Harks)
Mathematical Programming, 197, pp. 761–792 (2023)
Preliminary version: Proc. of the 19th IPCO 2021
- Equilibrium Computation in Resource Allocation Games (+Corrigendum)
(T. Harks and V. Tan-Timmermans)
Mathematical Programming, 194, pp.1-34 (2022)
Preliminary version: Proc. of the 19th IPCO 2017
- Pure Nash Equilibria in Resource Graph Games
(Tobias Harks, Max Klimm and Jannik Matuschke)
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 72 (1), pp. 185-213 (2021)
- Efficient Black-Box Reductions for Separable Cost Sharing
(T. Harks, M. Hoefer, A. Huber and M. Surek)
Mathematics of Operations Research, 46 (1), pp. 134-158 (2021)
Preliminary version: Proc. of the 45th ICALP 2018
- Dynamic Flows with Adaptive Route Choice
(Lukas Graf, Tobias Harks and Leon Sering)
Mathematical Programming, 183, pp. 309–335 (2020)
Preliminary version: Proc. of the 20th IPCO 2019
- Broadcasting a File in a Communication Network
(H.S. Goetzmann, T. Harks and M. Klimm)
Journal of Scheduling, 23, pp. 211–232 (2020)
- A Characterization of Undirected Graphs Admitting Optimal Cost Shares
(T. Harks, A. Huber and M. Surek)
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 33 (4), pp. 1932–1996 (2019)
Preliminary version: Proc. of the 13th WINE 2017
- Toll Caps in Privatized Road Networks
(T. Harks, M. Schroder and D. Vermeulen)
European Journal of Operational Research 276 (3) pp. 947-956 (2019)
- Sensitivity Analysis for Convex Separable Optimization over Integral Polymatroids
(T. Harks, M. Klimm and B. Peis)
SIAM Journal on Optimization 28 (3) pp. 2222-2245 (2018)
- Uniqueness of Equilibria in Atomic Splittable Polymatroid Congestion Games
(T. Harks and V. Timmermans)
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 36(3) pp. 812-830 (2018)
Preliminary version: In Proc. of the 4th ISCO 2016
- Competitive Packet Routing with Priority Lists
(T. Harks, B. Peis, D. Schmand, B. Tauer and L. Vargas-Koch)
ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation 6 (1) pp. 4:1-4:26 (2018)
Preliminary version: In Proc. of MFCS 2016
- Bottleneck Routing with Elastic Demands
(T. Harks, M. Klimm and M. Schneider)
Operations Research Letters 46 (1), pp. 93-98 (2018)
Preliminary version: Proc. of the 11th WINE 2015
- Complexity and Approximation of the Continuous Network Design Problem
(M. Gairing, T. Harks and M. Klimm)
SIAM Journal on Optimization 27(3), pp. 1554-1582 (2017)
Preliminary version: In Proc. of 17th. APPROX-RANDOM 2014.
- Matroids are Immune to Braess Paradox
(S. Fujishige, M.X. Goemans, T. Harks, B. Peis and R. Zenklusen)
Mathematics of Operations Research 42(3), pp. 745–761 (2017)
- Fare Evasion in Transit Networks
(J.R. Correa, T. Harks, V. Kreuzen and J. Matuschke)
Operations Research 65(1), pp. 165-183 (2017)
- Robust Quantitative Comparative Statics for a Multimarket Paradox
(P. von Falkenhausen and T. Harks)
ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation 5(1), pp. 3:1-3:22 (2016)
Preliminary version: In Proc. of 9th WINE 2013
- A Logarithmic Approximation for Polymatroid Congestion Games
(T. Oosterwijk, T. Harks and T. Vredeveld)
Operations Research Letters 44(6), pp. 712-717 (2016)
- Routing Games with Progressive Filling
(T. Harks, M. Hoefer, K. Schewior and A. Skopalik)
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 24(4), pp. 2553-2562 (2016)
Preliminary version: In Proc. of the 33rd IEEE INFOCOM 2014.
- Constrained Resource Assignments: Fast Algorithms and Applications in Wireless Networks
(A. Berger, J. Gross, T. Harks and S. Tenbusch)
Management Science, 62(7) pp. 2070-2089 (2016)
Preliminary version: In Proc. of the 29th IEEE INFOCOM 2010 [pdf]
- An Integrated Approach to Tactical Transportation Planning in Logistics Networks
(T. Harks, F.G. König, J. Matuschke, A. Richter and J. Schulz)
Transportation Science 50(2), pp. 439–460 (2016)
- Congestion Games with Variable Demands
(T. Harks and M. Klimm)
Mathematics of Operations Research 41(1), pp. 255–277 (2016)
Preliminary version: In Proceedings of TARK 2011 [pdf]
- Equilibria in a Class of Aggregative Location Games
(T. Harks and M. Klimm)
Journal of Mathematical Economics 61(1), pp. 211-220 (2015)
- Congestion Games Viewed from M-convexity
(S. Fujishige, M.X. Goemans, B. Peis and R. Zenklusen)
Operations Research Letters 43, pp. 329-333 (2015)
- Computing Network Tolls with Support Contraints
(T. Harks, M. Klimm, I. Kleinert and R.H. Möhring)
Networks 65(3), pp. 262-285 (2015)
- Resource Buying Games
(T. Harks and B. Peis)
Algorithmica 70(3), pp 493-512 (2014)
Preliminary version: ESA 2012, LNCS 7501, pp. 563-574
- Optimal Cost Sharing for Capacitated Facility Location Games
(P. von Falkenhausen and T. Harks)
European Journal of Operational Research 239(1), pp. 187-198 (2014)
- Computing Pure and Strong Nash Equilibria in Bottleneck Congestion Games
(T. Harks, M. Hoefer, M. Klimm and A. Skopalik)
Mathematical Programming (Ser. A), 141(1), pp. 193-215 (2013)
Preliminary version: ESA, 2010, 29-38, 2010
- Strong Equilibria in Games with the Lexicographical Improvement Property
(T. Harks, M. Klimm and R.H. Möhring)
International Journal of Game Theory, 42(2), pp. 461-482 (2013)
Preliminary version: WINE, LNCS 5929, Springer, pp. 455--462, 2009
- Optimal Cost Sharing for Resource Selection Games
(P. von Falkenhausen and T. Harks)
Mathematics of Operations Research 38(1), pp. 184-204 (2013)
- Approximation Algorithms for Capacitated Location Routing
(T. Harks, F.G. König and J. Matuschke)
Transportation Science 47(1), pp. 3-22 (2013)
- On the Existence of Pure Nash Equilibria in Weighted Congestion Games
(T. Harks and M. Klimm)
Mathematics of Operations Research 37(3), pp. 419-436 (2012)
Preliminary version: ICALP, LNCS 6198, pp. 79-89, 2010
- The Worst-Case Efficiency of Cost Sharing Methods in Resource Allocation Games [e-companion]
(T. Harks and K. Miller)
Operations Research, 56(6), pp. 1491-1503 (2011)
Preliminary version: GameNets, 2009, pp. 393-402
- Characterizing the Existence of Potential Functions in Weighted Congestion Games
(T. Harks, M. Klimm and R.H. Möhring)
Theory of Computing Systems, 49(1), pp. 46-70 (2011)
Preliminary version: SAGT, 2009, LNCS 5814, pp. 97-108
- Stackelberg Strategies and Collusion in Network Games with Splittable Flow
(Tobias Harks)
Theory of Computing Systems, 48(4), pp. 781-802 (2011)
Preliminary version: WAOA, 2008, LNCS 5426, pp.133-146
- Stackelberg Routing in Arbitrary Networks
(V. Bonifaci, T. Harks and G. Schäfer)
Mathematics of Operations Research, 35(2), pp. 330-346 (2010)
Preliminary version: WINE, 2008, LNCS 5385, pp.239-250
- Competitive Online Multicommodity Routing
(T. Harks, S. Heinz and M. Pfetsch)
Theory of Computing Systems 45(3), pp. 533-554 (2009)
Preliminary version: WAOA 2006, Springer LNCS, Vol. 4368
- Congestion Control in Utility Fair Networks
(T. Harks and T. Poschwatta)
Computer Networks 52, pp.2947-2960 (2008)
Preliminary version: QoS-IP 2005, ICNP 2005, Gobal Internet 2006
- iREX: Efficient automation architecture for the deployment of inter-domain QoS policy
(T. Harks, A. Yahaya and T. Suda)
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM) 5(1), pp.50-64 (2008)
Preliminary version: IEEE Globecom, 2006, San Francisco, USA
- Approaches to Congestion Control in Packet Networks
(T. Harks, L. Mamatas and V. Tsaoussidis)
Journal of Internet Engineering (JIE) 1(1) (2007)