Prof. Dr. Tobias Kaiser
Room IM 228
Phone: +49 851 509-3138
Office hours: Tuesday, 10-11
News at the Professorship for Pure Mathematics
- 17.-18. March: Research visit at the University of Vienna with Matthias Aschenbrenner, Philipp Habbegger, Annette Huber-Klawitter und Amador Martin-Pizarro
- 24.-28. February: Research visit at the University of Freiburg with Professor Annette Huber-Klawitter
- 10.-14. February: Tutorial Relations between O-Minimality, Hardy Fields and Hilbert's 16th Problem at the Conference Tame Geometry at CIRM, Marseille
- 24. January: Talk at Gymnasium Nabburg
- 14. January: Talk Spectrahedral Shadows by Claus Scheiderer (University of Konstanz) in the
Faculty Colloquium
Talk Updates on Decidability of Real Closed Rings von Marcus Tressl (University of
Manchester) in our seminar Logic and Geometry
Visit of my scientific teacher Manfred Knebusch (University of Regensburg)
- 19. Dezember: External member tenure track committee TU Dresden
- 29. November: Talk at Goethe-Gymnasium Regensburg
- 8.-10. November: Committe Studienstiftung seminar in Dachau
- 29. Oktober: Vortrag What is the Shadow of a Matrix? von Martin Ulirsch (Universität Frankfurt) in unserem Oberseminar Logik und Geometrie
- 14. Oktober:Start des Wintersemesters mit der Vorlesungen Modelltheorie sowie dem Seminar Mengenlehre und dem Oberseminar Logik und Geometrie (zusammen mit dem Lehrstuhl für Mathematische Logik).
- 1. August: 25th anniversary service for Bavaria
- 8.-12. July: Conference Model Theory in Beijing
- 16. July: Talk Periods and PA-Cohomology by Christoph Brackenhofer (University of Freiburg) in our seminar Logic and Geometry
- 18. and 19. July: Strategy Meeting of the Faculty at the Stift Reichersberg
- 19. July: Semester Closing
31. July: Paper T. Kaiser: Semialgebraicity of the convergence domain of an algebraic power series (8 p.)
accepted for publication at Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society.
- 11. June: Talk Natural Levels in Return Maps of Polycycles by Melvin Yeung (Hasselt University) in our seminar Logic and Geometry
19.-21. June: European Championship Model Theory Days in Passau
7. May: Talk A Complexity Dichotomy in Spatial Reasoning via Ramsey Theory by Manuel Bodirsky (TU Dresden) in the Faculty Colloquium
26. May: Visit of Patrick Speissegger (McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada) for five weeks
- 15. April: Start of the summer school Mathematische Logik and Reelle Algebraische Geometrie with our seminar Logic and Geometry (together with the chair of Mathematische Logik).
- 23. April: Talk Automorphisms and Derivations on Infinite Summability Algebras von Michele Serra (TU Dortmund) in our seminar Logic and Geometry
- 19. March: Talk Semialgebraicity of the convergence domain of an algebraic power series in the Model Theory Seminar at the University of Vienna.
- 20. March: Talk Periods, Power Series, and Integrated Algebraic Numbers in the Seminar Commutative Algebra & Differential Equations at the University of Vienna.
26. March: Coordinating Meeting State Exam University of Erlangen.
- 13. February: Paper T. Kaiser: Semialgebraicity of the convergence domain of an algebraic power series (8 p.) uploaded at arXiv.
- 26. February: Reviewer in the expert panel for the polish National Science Centerin Krakow.
- 7. January: Paper T. Kaiser: Periods, Power Series, and Integrated Algebraic Numbers (40 p.)
accepted for publication at Mathematische Annalen.
- 12. January: Talk Analytic and Growth Properties of Log-Analytic Functions at the Geometry-Seminar of the Université Savoie Mont Blanc.
- 23. January: Talk On Finite and Slow Consistency by Anton Freund (University of Würzburg) in our seminar Logic and Geometry
We work on the following mathematical subjects:
- Model Theory and Geometry: O-minimal Structures and their connections to Analysis
- Real Algebraic Geometry and Real Analytic Geometry
- Real Algebra and Commutative Algebra
Teaching Programme for Mathematics
The Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics offers the programme Bachelor of Mathematics and the Master Computational Mathematics.
University of Passau
Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics
Professorship for Pure Mathematics
Innstrasse 33
D-94032 Passau
Rita Saxinger
Room: IM 227
Phone: +49 851 509 2861
Office hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, 7 - 11 a.m.