- Prakash, J.; Tiwari, A. and Hammer, C. Modular Unification of Unilingual Pointer Analyses to Multilingual FFI-Based Programs. In Science of Computer Programming 243 (103278), Elsevier, July 2025.
- Ilahi, S.; Omotosho, A. and Hammer, C. Towards Anomaly Detection in Embedded Systems Application Using LLVM Passes. In Proc. STPSA 2024, pp. 2453 – 2458, IEEE, Jul 2024.
- Tiwari, A.; Prakash, J. and Hammer, C. Demand-driven Information Flow Analysis of WebView in Android Hybrid Apps. In Proc. ISSRE 2023, pp. 415 – 426, IEEE, Oct 2023.
- Omotosho, A.; Qendah, Y. and Hammer C. IDS-MA: Intrusion Detection System for IoT MQTT Attacks Using Centralized and Federated Learning. In Proc. COMPSAC 2023, pp. 678 – 688, IEEE, June 2023.
- Welearegai, G.; Hu, C. and Hammer C. Detecting and Preventing ROP Attacks using Machine Learning on ARM. In Proc. COMPSAC 2023, pp. 667 – 677, IEEE, June 2023. [PDF]
- Tiwari, A.; Prakash, J.; Rahimov, A. and Hammer, C. Understanding the Impact of Fingerprinting in Android Hybrid Apps. In Proc. Mobilesoft 2023, pp. 28 – 39, IEEE, May 2023. Received ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award.
- Omotosho, A.; Ilahi, S.; Villegas Castillo, E.; Hammer C. and Sauer, C. Evaluating the Hardware Performance Counters of an Xtensa Virtual Prototype. In Proc. DDECS, pp. 1 – 6, IEEE, May 2023.
- Omotosho, A.; Welearegai, G. and Hammer C. Detecting Return-Oriented Programming on Firmware-Only Embedded Devices Using Hardware Performance Counters. In Proc. SAC 2022, pp 510–519, ACM, April 2022. [PDF]
- Bichhawat, A; Rajani, V.; Garg, D. and Hammer, C. Permissive Runtime Information Flow Control in the Presence of Exceptions. Journal of Computer Security 29(4), pp. 361–401, IOS Press, Jun 2021. [PDF]
- Prakash, J.; Tiwari, A. and Hammer, C. Effects of Program Representation on Pointer Analyses — An Empirical Study. In Proc. 24th International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE), LNCS 12649, pp. 240–261, Springer, 2021.
- Tiwari, A.; Prakash, J.; Groß, S. and Hammer, C. A Large Scale Analysis of Android - Web Hybridization. Journal of Systems and Software 170: 110775. (Preprint version).
- Hough, K.; Welearegai, G.; Hammer, C. and Bell, J. Revealing Injection Vulnerabilities by Leveraging Existing Tests. In Proc. International Conference of Software Engineering (ICSE 2020) pp. 284–296, ACM, 2020.
- Tiwari, A .; Prakash, J .; Gross, S. and Hammer, C. LUDroid: A Large Scale Analysis of Android - Web Hybridization. In Proc. 19th International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM 2019) pp. 256-267, IEEE, 2019. PDF
- Tiwari, A .; Gross, S. and Hammer, C. IIFA: Modular Inter-app Intent Information Flow Analysis of Android Applications. In S. Chen et al. (Eds.): Security and Privacy in Communication Networks, Springer LNICST 305, pp. 335–349, 2019. PDF Extended version: PDF
- Chakraborty, D .; Hammer, C. and Bugiel, S. Secure multi-execution in Android . In Proceedings of the 34th ACM / SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (Sec @ SAC'19), pp. 1934-1943, ACM, 2019.
- Welearegai, G .; Schlüter, M. and Hammer, C. Static Security Evaluation of an Industrial Web Application . In Proceedings of the 34th ACM / SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (Sec @ SAC'19), pp. 1952-1961, ACM, 2019. [PDF]
- Groß, S .; Tiwari, A. and Hammer, C. PIAnalyzer: A Precise Approach to PendingIntent vulnerability analysis. In Computer Security. ESORICS 2018 , pp 41-59, Springer LNCS 11099, 2018. PDF
- Tiwari, A .; Bendun, F. and Hammer, C. A Formal Logic Framework for the Automation of the Right to Be Forgotten. In Security and Privacy in Communication Networks , pp 95-111, Springer, LNICST 254 , 2018.
- Groß, S.; Tiwari, A. and Hammer, C. ThiefTrap – An Anti-Theft Framework for Android. In Security and Privacy in Communication Networks, pp 167-184, Springer, LNICST 238, 2018.
- Bichhawat, A.; Rajani, V.; Jain, J.; Garg, D. and Hammer, C. WebPol: Fine-grained Information Flow Policies for Web Browsers. In ESORICS 2017, pp 242-259, Springer , LNCS 10492, 2017.
- Welearegai, G. and Hammer, C. Optimized Automatic Sanitizer Placement. In Engineering Secure Software and Systems, pages 87-96, Springer, LNCS 10379, 2017. [PDF]
- Backes, M.; Bugiel, S.; Derr, E.; Gerling, S. and Hammer, C. R-Droid: Leveraging Android App Analysis with Static Slice Optimization. In 11th ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security (AsiaCCS'16), 2016.
- Backes, M.; Hammer, C.; Pfaff, D. and Skoruppa, M. Implementation-level Analysis of the JavaScript Helios Voting Client. In 31st ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC'16), 2016.
- Backes, M.; Bugiel, S.; Hammer, C.; Schranz, O. and Styp-Rekowsky, P. v. Boxify: Full-fledged App Sandboxing for Stock Android. In 24th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 15), USENIX Association, Washington, D.C., 2015.
- Rajani, V.; Bichhawat, A.; Garg, D. and Hammer, C. Information Flow Control for Event Handling and the DOM in Web Browsers. In 28th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium, IEEE Computer Society, 2015.
- Pfaff, D.; Hack, S. and Hammer, C. Learning How to Prevent Return-Oriented Programming Efficiently. In Engineering Secure Software and Systems, pages 68-85, Springer, LNCS 8978, 2015. PDF
- Snelting, G.; Giffhorn, D.; Graf, J.; Hammer, C.; Hecker, M.; Mohr, M. and Wasserrab, D. Checking Probabilistic Noninterference Using JOANA. In it - Information Technology, 56 (6): 280-287, 2014. doi
- Bichhawat, A.; Rajani, V.; Garg, D. and Hammer, C. Generalizing Permissive-Upgrade in Dynamic Information Flow Analysis. In Proceedings of the Ninth Workshop on Programming Languages and Analysis for Security, pages 15:15-15:24, ACM, New York, NY, USA, PLAS'14 , 2014.
- Bichhawat, A.; Rajani, V.; Garg, D. and Hammer, C. Information Flow Control in WebKit's JavaScript Bytecode. In Proc. 3rd Conference on Principles of Security and Trust (POST 2014), pages 159-178, Springer, LNCS 8414, 2014.
- Bichhawat, A. Exception Handling for Dynamic Information Flow Control. In Companion Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Software Engineering (Student Research Competition), pages 718-720, ACM, New York, NY, USA, ICSE Companion 2014 , 2014.
- Backes, M.; Gerling, S.; Hammer, C.; Maffei, M. and Styp-Rekowsky, P. v. AppGuard -- Fine-grained Policy Enforcement for Untrusted Android Applications. In 8th International Workshop on Data Privacy Management (DPM'13), pages 1-19, LNCS 8247, 2014.
- Richards, G.; Hammer, C.; Zappa Nardelli, F.; Jagannathan, S. and Vitek, J. Flexible Access Control for JavaScript. In Proceedings of the 2013 ACM SIGPLAN international conference on Object oriented programming systems languages and applications, pages 305-322, ACM, New York, NY, USA, OOPSLA '13 , 2013.
- Bugiel, S.; Derr, E.; Gerling, S. and Hammer, C. Advances in Mobile Security. In 8th Future Security - Security Research Conference, pages 286-295, Fraunhofer Verlag, 2013.
- Marino, D.; Hammer, C.; Dolby, J.; Vaziri, M.; Tip, F. and Vitek, J. Detecting Deadlock in Programs with Data-Centric Synchronization. In ICSE '13: Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Software Engineering, pages 322-311, 2013.
- Backes, M.; Gerling, S.; Hammer, C.; Maffei, M. and Styp-Rekowsky, P. v. AppGuard - Enforcing User Requirements on Android Apps. In 19th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS), pages 545-550, Springer, LNCS 7795, 2013.
- Styp-Rekowsky, P. v.; Gerling, S.; Backes, M. and Hammer, C. Callee-site Rewriting of Sealed System Libraries. In International Symposium on Engineering Secure Software and Systems (ESSoS'13), pages 33-41, Springer, LNCS 7781, 2013.
- Hammer, C. Efficient Algorithms for Control Closures. In 1st International Workshop on Interference and Dependence, 2013.
- Dolby, J.; Hammer, C.; Marino, D.; Tip, F.; Vaziri, M. and Vitek, J. A data-centric approach to synchronization. In ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst., 34 (1): 4:1-4:48, 2012.
- Sumner, W. N.; Hammer, C. and Dolby, J. Marathon: Detecting Atomic-Set Serializability Violations with Conflict Graphs. In RV'11: Proc. 2nd International Conference on Runtime Verification, pages 161-176, Springer, LNCS 7186, 2012.
- Just, S.; Cleary, A.; Shirley, B. and Hammer, C. Information flow analysis for JavaScript. In Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGPLAN international workshop on Programming language and systems technologies for internet clients, pages 9-18, ACM, New York, NY, USA, PLASTIC '11 , 2011.
- Richards, G.; Hammer, C.; Burg, B. and Vitek, J. The Eval that Men Do -- A Large-scale Study of the Use of Eval in JavaScript Applications. In ECOOP'11: Proceedings of the 25th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, pages 52-78, Springer, LNCS 6813, 2011.
- Vaziri, M.; Tip, F.; Dolby, J.; Hammer, C. and Vitek, J. A Type System for Data-Centric Synchronization. In ECOOP '10: Proceedings of the 24th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, pages 304-328, Springer, LNCS 6183, 2010.
- Hammer, C. Experiences with PDG-based IFC. In International Symposium on Engineering Secure Software and Systems (ESSoS'10), pages 44-60, Springer, LNCS 5965, 2010. [PDF]
- Hammer, C. and Snelting, G. Flow-Sensitive, Context-Sensitive, and Object-sensitive Information Flow Control Based on Program Dependence Graphs. In International Journal of Information Security, 8 (6): 399-422, 2009.
- Giffhorn, D. and Hammer, C. Precise Slicing of Concurrent Programs -- An Evaluation of Precise Slicing Algorithms for Concurrent Programs. In Journal of Automated Software Engineering, 16 (2): 197-234, 2009.
- Giffhorn, D. and Hammer, C. Precise Analysis of Java Programs using JOANA (Tool Demonstration). In Proc. 8th IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation, pages 267-268, 2008.
- Hammer, C.; Schaade, R. and Snelting, G. Static path conditions for Java. In PLAS '08: Proceedings of the third ACM SIGPLAN workshop on Programming languages and analysis for security, pages 57-66, ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2008.
- Hammer, C.; Dolby, J.; Vaziri, M. and Tip, F. Dynamic detection of atomic-set-serializability violations. In ICSE '08: Proceedings of the 30th international conference on Software engineering, pages 231-240, ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2008.
- Giffhorn, D. and Hammer, C. An Evaluation of Precise Slicing Algorithms for Concurrent Programs. In SCAM'07: Seventh IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation, pages 17-26, Paris, France, 2007.
- Hammer, C.; Krinke, J. and Snelting, G. Information Flow Control for Java Based on Path Conditions in Dependence Graphs. In Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Secure Software Engineering (ISSSE'06), pages 87-96, 2006. [PDF]
- Hammer, C.; Krinke, J. and Nodes, F. Intransitive Noninterference in Dependence Graphs. In Proc. Second International Symposium on Leveraging Application of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation (ISoLA 2006), pages 119-128, IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, USA, 2006.
- Hammer, C.; Grimme, M. and Krinke, J. Dynamic path conditions in dependence graphs. In PEPM '06: Proceedings of the 2006 ACM SIGPLAN symposium on Partial evaluation and semantics-based program manipulation, pages 58-67, ACM Press, New York, NY, USA, 2006.
- Hammer, C. and Snelting, G. An improved slicer for Java. In PASTE '04: Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGSOFT workshop on Program analysis for software tools and engineering, pages 17-22, ACM Press, New York, NY, USA, 2004.
- Groß, S. Detecting and mitigating information flow threats in Android OS. PhD Thesis. University of Potsdam. 2019.
- Tiwari, A. Enhancing Users’ Privacy: Static Resolution of the Dynamic Properties of Android. PhD Thesis. University of Potsdam. 2019.
- Bichhawat, A. Practical Dynamic Information Flow Control. PhD Thesis. Saarland University. 2017.
- Hammer, C. Information Flow Control for Java - A Comprehensive Approach based on Path Conditions in Dependence Graphs. Ph.D. Thesis, Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Fak. f. Informatik, 2009.
- Hammer, C.; Dolby, J. and Gowri, M., ed. Proceedings of the Workshop on JavaScript Tools. ACM, 2012. www
Technische Berichte
- Bodden, E.; Schneider, M.; Kreutzer, M.; Mezini, M.; Hammer, C.; Zeller, A.; Achenbach, D.; Huber, M. and Kraschewski, D. Entwicklung sicherer Software durch Security by Design. In SIT-TR-2013-01, Fraunhofer SIT, 2013.
- Backes, M.; Gerling, S.; Hammer, C.; Maffei, M. and Styp-Rekowsky, P. v. AppGuard -- Fine-grained Policy Enforcement for Untrusted Android Applications. Technical Report A/02/2013, Saarland University, Computer Science, 2013.
- Marino, D.; Hammer, C.; Dolby, J.; Vaziri, M.; Tip, F. and Vitek, J. Detecting Deadlock in Programs with Data-Centric Synchronization. Technical Report RC25300, IBM Research Report, 2012.
- Backes, M .; Gerling, S .; Hammer, C .; Maffei, M. and Styp-Rekowsky, P.v. AppGuard - Real-time Policy Enforcement for Third-Party Applications. Technical Report A / 02/2012, Saarland University, Computer Science , 2012.
- Dolby, J .; Hammer, C .; Marino, D .; Tip, F .; Vaziri, M. and Vitek, J. A data-centric approach to synchronization. Technical Report RC25106, IBM Research Report , 2011.
- Hammer, C. and Snelting, G. Flow-Sensitive, Context-Sensitive, and Object-Sensitive Flow Information Based on Program Dependence Graphs. Technical Report 2008-16, Faculty of Computer Science, University of Karlsruhe (TH), Germany , 2008.