Prof. Dr. Christian Hammer
Telefon: +49(0)851/509-3070
Raum: IM 129
Wintersemester 2024/25
- 6237 Compiler Construction Lab
- 5100V Grundlagen der Informatik
- 5852UE Reverse- and Reengineering
- 5852V Reverse- and Reengineering
- 5857HS Topics in Programming Languages and Security
Sommersemester 2024
Wissenschaftliches Profil
Orcid, ACM profile, DBLP, Google Scholar, LinkedIn Profile, MS Academic, ResearchGate, Semantic Scholar
Kurzer Lebenslauf
Apr 2021 | Professor für Software Engineering I an der Universität Passau |
Okt 2016 – Mär 2021 | Professor für Software Engineering an der Universität Potsdam |
Jan 2012 – Sep 2016 | Juniorprofessor des CISPA Instituts der Universität des Saarlands |
Jul – Dec 2011 | Assistenzprofessor an der Utah State University |
2009 – 2011 | Post-Doc an der Purdue University in der Gruppe Secure Software Systems |
2009 | Dr.-Ing. Universität Karlsruhe |
Wissenschaftliche Leistung
- EASE 2025, PC member Learnings & Reflections track
- SAC 2025, PC member SEC track
- SAC 2024, PC member SEC track
- ISSTA 2023, PC member
- SAC 2023, PC member SEC track
- SAC 2022, PC member SEC track
- ICCQ 2022, PC member,
- AITO e.V. (sponsor of ECOOP), member (since Nov 2020)
- ICWE 2021, PC member
- SAC 2021, PC member SEC track
- ICCQ 2021, PC member
- General Chair ECOOP 2020 hosted together with SPLASH
- Member of University of Potsdam's Senate's Committee on Science and Junior Researchers (Dec 2018–Mar 2021)
- SAC 2020, PC member SEC track
- SAC 2019, PC member SEC track
- ICWE 2019, PC member
- ECOOP 2019, PC member
- OOPSLA 2018, EPC member
- ECOOP 2018, PC member
- GI-ASE 2018, Keynote speaker
- SAC 2018, PC member SEC track
- SE 2018, PC member
- OOPSLA 2017, EPC member
- Inaugural Lecture at University of Potsdam
- ESSoS 2017, Co-organizer Doctoral Symposium, PC member
- SAC 2017, PC member SEC track
- ICSE 2017, Demo Track PC member
- ASE 2016, PC Member
- ICWE 2016, PC Member
- ISSTA 2016, Co-Chair Demo Track, PC Member
- ESSoS 2016, PC Member
- ESOP 2016, PC Member
- PLAS 2015, PC Member
- ECOOP 2015, PC member
- ICWE 2015, Co-Chair Security and Privacy in Web Applications track
- ESSoS 2015, PC member
- SAC 2015, PC member PL track
- JSTools 2014, Co-organizer
- ECOOP 2014, PC member
- S&P (Oakland) 2014, PC member, Best paper awards committee member
- SAC 2014, PC member PL track
- GRSRD 2014, Organizer
- ESSoS 2014, PC member
- ASE 2013, Expert Review Panel
- PLASTIC 2013, PC member
- JSTools 2013, Co-organizer
- WWW 2013, PC member Security, privacy, trust, and abuse track
- GRSRD 2013, Co-organizer
- ACM SAC 2013, PC member PL track
- ID Workshop 2013, Co-organizer
- Programm committee member of the ICSM ERA 2012
- Organizer of the JSTools Workshop '12 @ ECOOP
- Programm committee member of the Web 2.0 Security & Privacy 2012 workshop, and the Programming Languages track at the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing 2012.
- Invited reviewer for Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, DFG, ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization, Journal of Systems & Software, Transactions on Software Engineering, Journal of Web Engineering, Information Processing Letters, Software: Practice and Experience, Computer Languages, Systems & Structures, The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming, Journal of Computer Science and Technology, ACM TOPLAS, IEEE TSE, the Journal of Systems and Software, ACM TOSEM,IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, ACM Transactions on Information and System Security, Automated Software Engineering – An International Journal, and Communications of the ACM.