Mathematical Giftedness and Creativity

“Mathematical Giftedness, Creativity and Twice Exceptional Children”
As part of the research work on the theoretical foundation of the construct "mathematical aptitude/talent" and its practical support, the aim is to optimally and adequately promote a mathematical aptitude potential. The research work ranges from qualitative empirical interview research on site (e.g. in schools and as part of external support courses) to purely theory-based work with sociological and psychological aspects to the concrete development of mathematically rich learning environments and didactically solid teaching materials. The focus is on the conceptual clarification and in particular the differentiation of gifted/talent potential from the concept of performance orientation.

A state-of-the-art report can be found in “ICME 13 TSG 4 Topical Survey: Research On and Activities For Mathematically Gifted Students” (with F.M. Singer, L.J. Sheffield and V. Freiman) and in other publications (see publication list).
The membership in the International Group for Mathematical Creativity and Giftedness (MCG) serves for addressing the aspects of the theme in an international setting. Regular international conferences are organized by the group members.
Further aspects linked to Giftedness are also treated in the working context of the ZLF-Department "Heterogenity & Diversity" and address a.o. especially in primary education inklusive talent development and twice exceptional children.